Technology for the Diverse Classroom

Teachers in today’s universities and colleges teach a diverse group of learners. From racial, cultural, and ESL students to extroverts, introverts and those with learning disabilities. With such a diverse group of learners, it is not surprising that a strategy that works well with one students learning style can be extremely confusing to the next.

So how can teachers use technology to support our diverse learners?

Differentiated Instruction is one way.

What is differentiated instruction? “It is a model of instruction that revolves around the belief that students learn in many different ways”(Verde,2004).

So what does this mean? Technology can provide the materials and platforms with varied levels of difficulty using multiple instructional groups. It encourages student success through practical and creative means so learners can work alone or collaboratively in both auditory or visual modes.

Technology meets the needs of a diverse classroom by allowing changes to content, channels of input and means of output.

Want to learn more on how technology can help with Differentiated Instruction.


Click to access WestEdTechTips.pdf

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