Flow Theory

Have you ever been so engrossed in what you are doing that you lose all sense of time and space. You are probably in “The Flow”

Flow is where Maximum Engagement equals Maximum Enjoyment

A perfect balance of skill with challenge.

Flow is a state of learning where the skill level and the challenge level are at their highest. This creates an opportunity for learning and intense focus where students lose track of time because they are so immersed in their task.

According to Mihaly Csikszentmishalyi, the psychologist that brought forth this theory, 5 things need to be present for students to achieve flow

1-They need to be up to the activity

2-They need to be able to concentrate on the activity

3-They need clear goals

4-They have to have direct feedback

5-They need to feel that they control the activity

Once students achieve flow, you will see their worries and concerns slip away and they will have a sense that time has been altered, lose track of time.

Included is an video, where Flow can be achieved in a workplace, but it easily transferable to the classroom.


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