The Importance of Life Long Learning as a Professional

Professional Development.

Lifelong learning for teachers.

What is life long learning, its stretching and growing our skills as teachers to help our learners grow and stretch their skills.

Stephen Brookfield suggests in his book The Skillful Teacher “Students learning to take responsibility for their learning and be able to exercise that responsibility over a lifetime”.(Brookfield,S.(2015)pg 199.) is what educators call becoming a lifelong learner.

Some say that when you reach the point in your career when you start to teach, you have reached the top of your profession. Yes, technically I agree with this in that it took me 26 years of industry experience before I started to teach. But academically, if teachers stop learning they lose touch with cutting edge practices and new technological advances that will aid them in not only their teaching but also enrich their lives as well.

Teachers, just like students should never stop learning. Learning is honing ones skills and keeping abreast of changes both academically and technologically. It keeps us awake and alert instead of just marking time till retirement.

Here is a great article on why should teachers adopt a Lifelong Learning Mindset.

My favorite part and the one I have struggled with the most  “Is the ability to proficiently use new technologies and media. Learning to use these new technologies and media is a key component of lifelong learning”.(Edudemic Staff(2015).)


Reference: Brookfield,S.(2015).The Skillful Teacher,3rd Edition.San Francisco:Jossey-Bass

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